Rabu, 30 November 2016

Spices Weight Loss

Spices Weight Loss
Choosing the rich cuisine of spices can be a way to enjoy hobbies snack foods without the worry of weight gain. Some types of herbs known to have a thermogenic effect, which can increase the metabolism thus burning calories faster. Here are some types of spices can upload your appetite as well as accelerate metabolisme.Kayu manisMenggunakan cinnamon in cooking is a natural way to get a taste of the sweet without using sugar. Some studies show cinnamon helps weight loss process. Preventing obesity benefits of cinnamon comes from the ability of these ingredients keep blood sugar levels under control and reduce levels of insulin produced after a meal. As is known, high insulin levels can also trigger excess fat. Cinnamon also will slow in emptying the intestines work, so satiety could be more lama.Cabai rawitKandungan capcaisin in chili peppers are known as good fat burner. Cayenne pepper also has a thermogenic effect which increases calorie burning. Moreover, spicy foods can also make you refrain from taking too big portions. In addition, the chili also will increase the oxidation lemak.Lada hitamRempah this one is used in the culinary cultures. Not only can flavor dishes, black pepper also contains piperine is able to increase metabolism to 8 percent. This spice also known healthy digestion and enhancing nutrient absorption. Seeds sesawiSeperti cayenne pepper, mustard seeds also have a thermogenic effect. According to a Canadian study, eating spicy foods, including those containing a mustard seed can burn 1000 calories a day. Adding spice is one teaspoon will increase your metabolism up to 25 persen.JaheRempah this one is not only used as a spice but also classified into efficacious medicinal plants. According to research from the New York Obesity Research Center, put a teaspoon of dried ginger in food or drink a glass of ginger tea at breakfast could burn more calories after a meal.

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Senin, 07 November 2016

Secrets Lose Weight with Water - Kom

Secrets Lose Weight with Water - Kom
Researchers from the University of Brimingham claims to have discovered the secret to lose weight, that drinking half a liter of water half an hour before meals.
This refers to the results of their research which found that people who consumed 500 ml of water half an hour before meals reported an average loss of 4.3 kg for 12 weeks.
The researchers say this simple trick can be very useful, and easily promoted by health professionals and through public health campaigns.
Earlier, some adults with excess weight were recruited and monitored for 12 weeks.
Each participant was given a weight management consultations, in which the researchers suggest how to adapt your lifestyle and diet, and increasing physical activity levels.
About half of them were asked to drink water before meals and the other half are advised to imagine, that they have a full stomach before eating.
Participants who were in the first group lost weight 1.3kg more than participants in the control group average.
Participants who reported always drink water before meals three times a day reported losing weight by 4.3kg for 12 weeks. Meanwhile, those who in one day just to drink before a meal or even not at all, just average weight loss of 0.8 kg.
Drinking water is allowed only mineral water, while soda or sweetened beverages is prohibited in this study.
Dr Helen Parretti, clinical lecturer National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) at the University of Birmingham, said: "" The beauty of this finding is kesederhanaannya.Hanya drinking half a liter of water, three times a day, before the main meal can reduce your weight. "
When combined with brief instructions on how to increase the amount of physical activity and a healthy diet, it seems to help people to achieve some extra weight loss - at a moderate level and healthy.
This research has been published in the journal Obesity.
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